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发布时间:2023-08-09 15:47:25来源:



"The Raksha Country and the Sea Market" is a short story by Pu Songling published in Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio. This story is one of the initial entries from the Strange Tales collection to be translated into English, depicting the adventures of the scholar-merchant Ma Ji.








Ma Ji, a rakish scholar and handsome young man, embarked on a sea trade voyage and encountered massive waves, which confronted by towering waves, which carried him into an enigmatic realm named the Raksha country. Within this land, people embraced the notion that ugliness equated to beauty, and the more unsightly one's appearance, the greater their popularity. In order to survive, Ma smeared his face with soot and skillfully garnered the admiration of the King of Raksha, subsequently achieving a prestigious position. Yet, the burden of concealing his genuine self made him ill at ease.





After departing from the realm of Raksha, Ma embarked on audacious journeys to the Sea Market, where he encountered a plethora of rare treasures. Venturing into the Dragon Palace, his talents garnered the admiration of the Dragon Lord and the Dragon Princess, ultimately leading to his marriage with the latter. Several months afterward, he bid a fond farewell to the Dragon Princess and returned home to visit his parents. Three years later, he ventured to a sea island to reunite with his two children, and thereafter, he never saw the Dragon Princess again.








The Chronicler of the Tales comments: "The ways of the world are no different from the ways of goblins; both would have us paint our faces to curry favor. When it comes to proclivities for eating scabs and such, the whole world is in the same rut. Moderately embarrassing actions receive moderate praise; greatly embarrassing actions receive great praise. If a person were to amble through a city with his true face exposed for all to see, few must be the ones who would not take to their heels in fright. Whose shoulder can the Fool of Lingyang cry on with his fabled jade worth fifteen cities? Alas! Glory and wealth can only be found in castles in the air and ocean bazaars."







Ma embarked on an ocean voyage with a party of other passengers, but it happened that they were blown off course by a typhoon. After several days the ship came to a city in which all the inhabitants were freakishly ugly. They ran off in an uproar as Ma approached, taking him for a monster.


Someone answered, "In our country what is valued is appearance rather than literary ability.

The most handsome among us become high ministers at court; the fairly handsome are given posts in local administrative offices; and the somewhat handsome can support their wives and children in style by winning the favor of some nobleman".


Ma stayed with the officer for a long while. One day, when he and his host were in their cups, he smeared his face with soot to look like Zhang Fei and began to dance with sword in hand.

The host thought he was attractive and said, "Why don't you make yourself up as Zhang Fei and go to see the prime minister? I am sure he will be delighted to find a place for you. An ample salary is within your grasp."


"Where is the ocean bazaar?" asked Ma. "Mermen from the four seas gather at the ocean bazaar to trade in pearls and jewels. People from four directions and twelve kingdoms all come to trade with them. Many deities are engaged in pleasurable pastimes there. The sky is filled with clouds, and great waves roll ashore from time to time."


A jade tree as big in girth as a man's embrace grew in the palace. The trunk was shimmeringly transparent, like clear glass, with a pale yellow center slightly thinner than an arm. The leaves resembled green jade and were a bit thicker than copper coins.


"Faerie and earth have separate roads," she said. "They cannot remain together. I cannot bear, for the sake of our marital love, to deny you the happiness of being at your parents' side. Give me time to think of a way."

——Translated by Denis C.Mair and Victor H. Mair



实习生:贺子怡 谭馨


(责编: admin)
